[tminus t=”26-04-2013 23:59:59″/]
That’s how long I’ve got to finish up everything for my Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing.
The list of things to do by then:
Major assignments:
CLAS assignment (2-3 pages, single-spaced, referenced)Human Relations Final Paper (4-5 pages, single-spaced)Scheduling Paper (2-5 pages, referenced)Patient Advocacy Letter (2 pages, single-spaced)- Indirect Clinical Project Final Paper (5 pages, abstract, referenced)
Cultural Assessment Paper (4-5 pages, referenced, plus interview)- Case Study assignment (2-4 pages, referenced)
- Final essay exam for Nursing Leadership
Discussion Boards (these are 1-2 page essays on a topic with references, followed by 1/2 to 1 page responses to 2 other essays)
CLAS & Hatian AmericansCivil Rights Amendement and Health CareCurrent Issues in Health CareIndirect Clinical Project discussionNursing Management + interviewSigma Theta TauHealth Care Disparities
In addition, I have roughly 15Â 12Â 10Â 4 chapters of dense textbook reading to finish between now and then. It’s an insane course load, and I still have work, 15 10 hours of indirect clinical experience, and a meeting with a professor from my proposed PhD program to go between now and Done-Day.
And this is how long until my actual commencement ceremony. I’m walking because my mom, who is 76 years old and suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, wants me to. She even bought a dress *gasp*.
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I’ll update this with progress as I go along.
Wish me luck, ’cause I’mma gonna need it.