Category Archives: writing

On Moving On

The last few months have been pretty hectic around here. I’ve taken on a new job that is supposed to have me working one day a week and has proven to be more like full-time plus. I’ve re-enrolled in college … Continue reading

Posted in In the News, life, writing | 1 Comment

Muse Medicine: PTSD and literary flashbacks

I got a really good question today from a reader of my old blog Muse Medicine. She asked me a question about finding resources and examples of PTSD flashbacks in fiction, and said other than my post on the subject … Continue reading

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Difficult Topics: Racial Bias

I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching lately about diversity in fiction, primarily fantasy novels, and especially my own creative works. This is a very sensitive topic, and I genuinely do not intend any offense, but I have always believed … Continue reading

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Closing on the Climax

Over the years that I’ve been writing and talking to writers, I’ve discovered people who think that the beginnings are the hardest part. Facing the blank page can be pretty terrifying to some folks, and while I’ve never minded a … Continue reading

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I Am Not a Platform

I’ve been reading a tremendous amount of stuff lately, mostly linked off Google+ and Twitter, about how writers should safeguard and create their platforms, how they should temper their opinions, withdraw from having any meaningful discourse in matters of politics or … Continue reading

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