Tag Archives: book review

Book Review: The Griffin Mage Trilogy

I’m a sucker for a trilogy. Especially an awesome trilogy by a new writer who really knows her shit. I saw this shiny cover in the B&N brick and mortar one fateful Thursday while waiting for my favorite sushi joint … Continue reading

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Book Review: The Eve Tree: A Novel by Rachel Devenish Ford

Reading is very subjective, and I’m a self-admittedly harsh critic. I expect just as much or more of the published authors I read as I do from myself, and I’ve found that picking up books in the Kindle free list … Continue reading

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Book Review: The Diviners

I picked up a pile of free ebooks after the holidays and have been slowly wading through them. Most have been chucked off my TBR pile after a few lines of badly written prose, but there have been a few … Continue reading

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