Tag Archives: meds

The GLBTA Character

I didn’t set out to write about a gay man. My original concept for Hunters was about a woman who had a powerful magic, but who was forced by society to hide this power. Her brother was supposed to be … Continue reading

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Blog Silence Is Good Silence

So I haven’t been posting much the last couple of weeks (*cough* at all *cough*). Sorry. On the bright side, I’ve been getting a lot done! I’ve finished a couple of my Christmas craft projects, started a couple of others, … Continue reading

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Progress and Plodding

I’ve made progress on a few fronts lately – finished the baby quilt, delivered the baby quilt (baby is OMG cute!), and composed most of an article I pitched to an e-zine editor. I’ve even made a bit of progress … Continue reading

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The work goes on

I’m writing again, with a big sigh of relief. Actually, I’m rewriting my second novel – it was what grabbed my creative energy and when coming off a low point I don’t quibble with the muse. I am off my … Continue reading

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Oops, there it is

Yesterday, from late afternoon through the evening, I managed to hammer out a couple of world-building concepts for a new story. Considering that I’d been struggling for three days to try to come up with something cohesive enough to call … Continue reading

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