Monthly Archives: November 2010

Bringing Out the Big Guns

I try not to post here too often about my heart. Not because it’s an intensely personal issue for me, exactly – it is, and it’s difficult to express how vulnerable I feel when someone asks me how my heart … Continue reading

Posted in Broken Heart | 1 Comment

For the Children

Yesterday, I made a small donation to charity. See that picture up there on the header? It was taken about 18 months ago, when my hair was only about 3/4 of the way to my waist when straight. Yesterday, it … Continue reading

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Picking and Choosing

So after my post last week, anyone reading the blog regularly will know that I’m not doing Nano anymore. Probably never-more. It’s a personal choice, though, and I still wholeheartedly support anyone who wants to do it. So I’m honestly … Continue reading

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Writing Yourself into a Corner

Over the last few years of struggling to get a coherent plot out of Hunters as someone who doesn’t do anything even remotely resembling plotting ahead or planning, I have painted myself into a number of story corners. From what … Continue reading

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My Google-rific Day

So today I got the progress meter working (*waves to progress charts link above post*) and I spent some time reading about the plagerism of blog articles.  In particular, the hell hath no fury like the internet out for blood response … Continue reading

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