Tag Archives: nursing

Um… nevermind

So you may have noticed that those site changes I mentioned last month never materialized. Yeah… about that… I’ve been seeing a lot of writing advice lately about perseverance, and it got me thinking. So I said to my husband … Continue reading

Posted in family, life, Nursing, Puppies, Site Updates, writing | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

In the (Personal) News

Life has been a little crazy in my house for the last year or so. I lost a sister this time last year, and another moved in with my family and (happily on all accounts) stayed with us a bit … Continue reading

Posted in Broken Heart, family, In the News, life, Nursing, Puppies, School, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Working hypothesis

Nursing was supposed to be my life-long pursuit and career and passion. I invested years of training, tens of thousands of dollars, and long hours of ethical thinking, meta-analysis, and professional inquiry to that pursuit. Writing was supposed to be … Continue reading

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