Tag Archives: Tennant

Introducing Wheatley

Well, we had two adorable puppies. Now we have three! Welcome our newest family member, Wheatley. Wheatley is an 11 week old Boston Terrier pup who joined us from a lovely breeder in Cleveland. We’re working on integrating him with … Continue reading

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Puppeh Update

Let the cute begin! Rosie at 11 weeks.                   Tennant at 22 weeks

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Puppy Antics

One day post-op and he’s already gotten the cone off 4 times, peed on it once, and after his noontime nap, woke up in this state: Such a rascal. I took him back to the vet and they adjusted the … Continue reading

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Puppy Woes

Today, we took our puppy for a little nip-tuck of the testes. At just over 4lbs, he’s still a bit small, but the vet assured us he was big enough. So after a day spent worrying, I picked him up … Continue reading

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Puppies: What’s in a Name

We welcomed a new member to this crazy clan last weekend. Meet Tennant, a 13 week old, 3lb Toy Fox Terrier pup. He’s working on potty training and teething, which means we have to be quick with the going outside … Continue reading

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