Tag Archives: writing

I Am Not a Platform

I’ve been reading a tremendous amount of stuff lately, mostly linked off Google+ and Twitter, about how writers should safeguard and create their platforms, how they should temper their opinions, withdraw from having any meaningful discourse in matters of politics or … Continue reading

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In the (Personal) News

Life has been a little crazy in my house for the last year or so. I lost a sister this time last year, and another moved in with my family and (happily on all accounts) stayed with us a bit … Continue reading

Posted in Broken Heart, family, In the News, life, Nursing, Puppies, School, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Compromise, but Never Surrender

So life has been throwing all kinds of torpid feces at my fans this last week. Mostly in the form of a resurgence of fatigue from my heart, still having a baby and her parents in the house, and dealing … Continue reading

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Blog Silence Is Good Silence

So I haven’t been posting much the last couple of weeks (*cough* at all *cough*). Sorry. On the bright side, I’ve been getting a lot done! I’ve finished a couple of my Christmas craft projects, started a couple of others, … Continue reading

Posted in Broken Heart, life, Quilting, writing | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Progress and Plodding

I’ve made progress on a few fronts lately – finished the baby quilt, delivered the baby quilt (baby is OMG cute!), and composed most of an article I pitched to an e-zine editor. I’ve even made a bit of progress … Continue reading

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