Category Archives: Quilting

Busy, Busy, and the Meaning of No

I generally function best when chronically over-scheduled. At least I used to. Right now, I’m struggling a bit to find my center amidst the chaos that I’ve created in my life by taking on a project (or five) too many. … Continue reading

Posted in family, In the News, life, Nursing, Quilting, School | Leave a comment

Yes, I am not dead

So it’s been a busy couple of months since last I tossed a post up. I have a new roommate (Hi, B!) who also happens to be my aunt/adopted-sister. We’re getting along great, though she’s getting that look from me … Continue reading

Posted in family, life, Puppies, Quilting, writing | 1 Comment

Sew You Had a Baby

Ok, that was a lame title. But the things I made are super cute! My friend Jen’s baby will be a year old in October, but I promised her this quilt back before the heart thing, and I always keep … Continue reading

Posted in Quilting | Tagged | 1 Comment

Blog Silence Is Good Silence

So I haven’t been posting much the last couple of weeks (*cough* at all *cough*). Sorry. On the bright side, I’ve been getting a lot done! I’ve finished a couple of my Christmas craft projects, started a couple of others, … Continue reading

Posted in Broken Heart, life, Quilting, writing | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Progress and Plodding

I’ve made progress on a few fronts lately – finished the baby quilt, delivered the baby quilt (baby is OMG cute!), and composed most of an article I pitched to an e-zine editor. I’ve even made a bit of progress … Continue reading

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