Tag Archives: NaNoWriMo

The Cost of Literary Abandon

I’ve been a participant in NaNoWriMo since 2004. I win some. I lose some. This year, though, I decided to step away from the madness and just keep on doing my own thing for November while cheering on my friends … Continue reading

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Picking and Choosing

So after my post last week, anyone reading the blog regularly will know that I’m not doing Nano anymore. Probably never-more. It’s a personal choice, though, and I still wholeheartedly support anyone who wants to do it. So I’m honestly … Continue reading

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Pulling Out of the Race

So, I withdrew from NaNoWriMo and the forums today. It was a personal decision based almost entirely on the reaction I had to their new stats page for author word count tracking. The stats page marks you as “unsuccessful” from … Continue reading

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New Shiny vs. Old Friend

Nanowrimo starts tomorrow. The plan last month was to finish up the revision of Hunters in October, draft my new shiny project during NaNo, and do the final polish and sub package prep for Hunters in December. Yeah… That went … Continue reading

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