The kiddo and I headed out last week to a school field trip. The day was lovely despite reports of pending rain, and we spent almost 6 hours roaming around the local zoo. Kiddo’s stress fractured right foot didn’t slow us down too much, although pushing him around in a rented wheel chair over the hilly and often unpaved terrain was beastly on my legs. My muscles were sore for about two days.
One of our favorite exibits was the Bonobo house, where three Zoo Babies were playing around right beside the glass. There is nothing cuter in this world than a baby bonobo.
Well, maybe puppies and my kiddo. Maybe. 🙂
We also enjoyed a number of other creatures and sights at the zoo, and got a few really good pictures of the lions and polar bears. All in all, it was an enjoyable trip for all of us, and I snagged a few nuggets of inspiration from the critters and terrain. Being at the zoo reminded me that sometimes, a field trip is just what you need to refresh an old idea or refill the creative well. Kiddo and I are planning on hitting a few of our favorite field trip spots after he’s back on his feet – the zoo, the aquarium, the history and air force museums, and maybe even the ball park.